Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Internet

    Once a time, I was reading the article that about the internet and then it show in the website its title is “Advertising is dead long live advertising” that is interesting for this period .moreover, this article has been found in United States and to spending more than $ 279 Billion that a new record.

    Therefore, many people use the internet with habit and spending more time to online. In addition, many people would choose the internet 50.5 percent and only 28.5 percent would choose TV.

    In addition, the internet as their main source of news that service better than magazine for finding information about product or music and other. Moreover, internet can finding to read news story online and still watching news clip online from many website.

   According to Jeffrey Cole, director of the UCLA center for communication policy, ”TV is still the best game in town… I don’t think you’ll see one-third of media budgets going to interactive. But you don’t hear as much about people making fun of the internet anymore.”

  So, when we use on internet should be spend time to feeling happy and funny but not should be spend time for internet much because internet has advantages and disadvantages in its.

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