Sunday, February 10, 2013

Video News Releases: Promoting the News or Deceptive Advertising?

The video news release(VNR) is a video segment made to look like a news report but is instead created by PR firm, advertising agency, marketing firm that provide to shape public opinion, promote commercial product and services.

    Many decades ago, the video news release or VNR has been a tool of public relation that is very popular in the internet and then, the video news releases its tool for present about advertising for business. Therefore, many people interest to see the video news release.

    However, according to the VNR financed by the department of health and human service was aired on a number of local news programs around the country, it was product to promote the new Medicare plan, The creation of the Karen Ryan video was ruled in 2004 to be in violation of federal law by the General  Accounting Office (GAO).

   Therefore, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) warned television stations that they could be fine for on air news story provided by the government and by companies without disclosing who made them.

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